Here is my t-shirt drawer at home. I think every Real Simple reader would be proud of me except that I didn't notice that red shirt in the far left corner is acting a little bit rebelious until right now. I should fix that.... that's better.
Well, today is the first Saturday of summer and I am unpacking clothes. I didn't realize how many t-shirts until I started pulling stuff out of my bags. At school I had a drawer big enough to fit just about everyone of them and now I have to store some in my closet and I'm pretty sure I'll just leave the rest in a duffel bag and have them ready to go for the fall. I guess this is just a sign that I need to get rid of some stuff.... but I hate throwing away t-shirts, they are so practical! Or maybe this is a sign that I need to not dress so dumpy. Lauren often tells me to dress up but I am just so much more comfotable in shorts and a t-shirt. Hmm.
Oh well. Since I've been home I bought some cute, kahki shorts. I bought them a size larger so I could comfortably tuck in a shirt. Lately I've been trying to put together outfits that will let me do this, I think I'm reverting back to my private school days when I had to wear a uniform with my shirt tucked in. It feels so nice and secure!
I think the rest of the day I will just be cleaning my room and sorting through everything I brought home. All of my stuff is just sitting in the living room near the garage door and my grandma is coming over tomorrow for Mother's Day lunch after church so now I have a reason to be motivated to clean.
Tomorrow we will be having steak, potatoes with parsley, tomato caprese, salad, rolls, and some dessert. Hooray, What a delicious meal to come home to!
Well that's enough rambling on about nothing. Here's to hoping you all are having a fun-filled Saturday!