There are some days when a Coke is just what I need to feel refreshed... and it's such a delicious drink to drink on a hot summer-y day. So I had one today. And you know what?
It was disgusting. Yes. It was a sugary, syrupy, glob of liquid. It did not give me the urge to say, "Ahh!" like the Coke ads always do. It just sat in my mouth and I could literally feel it corroding my teeth (that may or may not be an exageration) and yet I drank it. Not all of it but close. I hope I remember this experience the next time I want to drink a soda. Maybe thinking about this day will stop me from consuming unnecessary calories. Maybe it would have been better if I had a giant steak and some taters or some really spicey salsa and chips. I don't know, there are hundreds of "maybes" surrounding this situation.
On another note, I have listed to Toothpaste Kisses by the Macabees like one hundred times today. That's a lie... more like five, I heard it on my Ipod while I was running. Which, by the way, running is becoming very difficult for me to be motivated to do. I hate it. Either I have to get up at 0-dark-thirty or I must wait until 7 PM when the sun can't get me. It's humid and it's hot but I have to remind myself that one month ago I was looking forward to such things. Anyway, listen to Toothpaste Kisses. Like right now. I'll even post it here so you don't have to search around for it.
Cute, no?
Today I bought Real Simple's June issue and so far so good. It looks promising, I'll let you know how it goes. Also, I have a job working as a youth intern at my church. this summer should be interesting as we only have three cars and four drivers who don't want to be stuck at home all day. I've been praying for nice, flexible attitudes from everyone or that someone will just decide they want to us their extra car. I'm hoping for the latter though it doesn't seem possible, who has an extra car anyway? BUT, I will not lose hope.
That's all.
to the shore.
Well. Today started with me running to my church. It's only 4 miles but the last 1.5(ish) was on a two lane road so most of the time I was running on uneven ground. So it wasn't very comfortable. Lauren was there learning the ins and outs of assisting a children's ministry director (her new job) so I decided I would just run there and then she could take me home when she got done. I have only logged 10 miles this week and this summer. I need to be more serious but it's hard not having a running buddy who's there whenever you're ready to run. I don't know what I'll do tomorrow, I want to ride my bike but I also want to log miles. Ehh.... we'll just see how everything works out. It's hard running in the afternoon when it's humid so I either have to go in the early, early morning or sometime in the evening.
After we got home Lauren and I changed into our swim suits and we sailed away to the beach, to do some reading and snoozing. I started Pride and Prejudice. I was a little distracted by my surroundings though. There were little babies following their mommas. People flying kites. Footballs were thrown. It was a very nice day.
Oh! We also saw the space shuttle lift off. This trip is Atlantis' last flight. My dad informed me that this should be something special for Lauren because not only did she get to witness Atlantis' last flight but also it's first... whenever that was. Oh, Papa, he is so sentimental, he really makes things like this special for us. Lauren and I always talk about how we feel so informed of things like shuttle launches because of our dear, old dad. Did you know that while the typical child's father reads them Goodnight Moon or If You Feed A Mouse A Cookie? Not Bill. No, he read Lauren and I airplane manuals and car manuals. Some could say that we knew how to change the oil in that Escort we grew up with by the age of 3. Yes. Not many people have a dad like ours. I like him, I'm glad he's mine.
Here are some pictures documenting the day.

To the beach we go!

Oh, hello.

Nalgene goes to the beach. Coldplay made an appearance.
After we got home Lauren and I changed into our swim suits and we sailed away to the beach, to do some reading and snoozing. I started Pride and Prejudice. I was a little distracted by my surroundings though. There were little babies following their mommas. People flying kites. Footballs were thrown. It was a very nice day.
Oh! We also saw the space shuttle lift off. This trip is Atlantis' last flight. My dad informed me that this should be something special for Lauren because not only did she get to witness Atlantis' last flight but also it's first... whenever that was. Oh, Papa, he is so sentimental, he really makes things like this special for us. Lauren and I always talk about how we feel so informed of things like shuttle launches because of our dear, old dad. Did you know that while the typical child's father reads them Goodnight Moon or If You Feed A Mouse A Cookie? Not Bill. No, he read Lauren and I airplane manuals and car manuals. Some could say that we knew how to change the oil in that Escort we grew up with by the age of 3. Yes. Not many people have a dad like ours. I like him, I'm glad he's mine.
Here are some pictures documenting the day.
To the beach we go!
Oh, hello.
Nalgene goes to the beach. Coldplay made an appearance.
... one more thing
This was at the Grammys earlier this year and unfortuantely Dave Matthews was beat by Taylor Swift. I don't even know how that happens!
I have watched/ listened to this video approximately 10 times today. I love it. I want it to be the song played the first time my husband and I dance at our wedding. I hope he's alright with that.
My thoughts.
I'm not a very good writer but I have been blog stalking some people that we all know from school and they are good writers so it inspirted me to write. I think my lack of confidence in writing can be traced back to eleventh grade when I had the most horrible teacher (who will not be named to protect her innocance in case she ever comes upon this amatuer piece of writing.) Anyway, Mrs., let's call her... Spinelli (that's the author of a book next to me, yes it's a children's book and yes I read it last night before I went to bed.), Mrs. Spinelli never gave anyone a 100 on a paper and she gave students A's about as often as having a white Christmas in Florida. NOT VERY OFTEN! My papers always came back to me bloodied with her red pen, I sometimes didn't even look at the grade I just tucked it away in my notebook to look at when I was by myself. Needless to say, I managed a B in the class so I guess I can't complain. Another reason why I may not like writing is that I don't often like to write my feelings... that's not true, I often write posts on friend's Facebook walls that are filled with my hatrid for something like flouescent lights or beige walls. I guess I just don't like to be emotional and write in that way, I'm not very good about writing what I really feel. Hmm.
In other news,
a.) I just might have a job for the summer! I don't want to share what it is right now, it has to be approved, but if I do get it you all will be some of the first to hear... all four of you.
b.) I have had a fairly boring first week home, although I have shopped quite a bit, I just looked at my bank account earlier today and breathed a sigh of relief to find I haven't completely blown it.
c.) Lauren and I went to the beach on Monday, I bought a very cute strapless suit and we had a grand ole time, all though now I am sunburned and slightly uncomfortable.
d.) Tomorrow I'm going to a Sun's (they are our minor league baseball team) game with my parents, sister, and my best friend Hannah. I can't wait.
d.) Lauren and I have been recruited by her friend Sara, who is the youth director at our church, to pick up food for the Senior (high school seniors that is, not old people) Banquet on Saturday and has invited us to stay and watch the program. I'm excited because Senior Banquet is fun and I have quite a few friends that are graduating this year, woohoo!
Well that's all.
In other news,
a.) I just might have a job for the summer! I don't want to share what it is right now, it has to be approved, but if I do get it you all will be some of the first to hear... all four of you.
b.) I have had a fairly boring first week home, although I have shopped quite a bit, I just looked at my bank account earlier today and breathed a sigh of relief to find I haven't completely blown it.
c.) Lauren and I went to the beach on Monday, I bought a very cute strapless suit and we had a grand ole time, all though now I am sunburned and slightly uncomfortable.
d.) Tomorrow I'm going to a Sun's (they are our minor league baseball team) game with my parents, sister, and my best friend Hannah. I can't wait.
d.) Lauren and I have been recruited by her friend Sara, who is the youth director at our church, to pick up food for the Senior (high school seniors that is, not old people) Banquet on Saturday and has invited us to stay and watch the program. I'm excited because Senior Banquet is fun and I have quite a few friends that are graduating this year, woohoo!
Well that's all.
Well, today is the first Saturday of summer and I am unpacking clothes. I didn't realize how many t-shirts until I started pulling stuff out of my bags. At school I had a drawer big enough to fit just about everyone of them and now I have to store some in my closet and I'm pretty sure I'll just leave the rest in a duffel bag and have them ready to go for the fall. I guess this is just a sign that I need to get rid of some stuff.... but I hate throwing away t-shirts, they are so practical! Or maybe this is a sign that I need to not dress so dumpy. Lauren often tells me to dress up but I am just so much more comfotable in shorts and a t-shirt. Hmm.
Oh well. Since I've been home I bought some cute, kahki shorts. I bought them a size larger so I could comfortably tuck in a shirt. Lately I've been trying to put together outfits that will let me do this, I think I'm reverting back to my private school days when I had to wear a uniform with my shirt tucked in. It feels so nice and secure!
I think the rest of the day I will just be cleaning my room and sorting through everything I brought home. All of my stuff is just sitting in the living room near the garage door and my grandma is coming over tomorrow for Mother's Day lunch after church so now I have a reason to be motivated to clean.
Tomorrow we will be having steak, potatoes with parsley, tomato caprese, salad, rolls, and some dessert. Hooray, What a delicious meal to come home to!
Well that's enough rambling on about nothing. Here's to hoping you all are having a fun-filled Saturday!
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